Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Gadget freak?

I have NEVER been a gadget freak until now….

I think I am one in a million because I absolutely detest mobile phones and I probably wouldn’t have one if I didn’t have to have one for work. I’ve certainly never bought a mobile phone! I do take my mobile wherever I go, and yes it is useful sometimes to have it with me on the odd occasion. The thing that really bugs me though, is the last few times I’ve been on holiday, I’ve received calls from people connected to work. One was admittedly a friend who works for our office in Connecticut, who managed to get hold of me at 11pm when I was on the Transsiberian railway in the middle of darkest Siberia, and the other was 3 a.m. when I was in New Zealand from some guy who did not understand English and that I was on holiday and 12 hours ahead of him, and “NO I don’t know where my ship is going next because I haven’t been at work for the last two weeks! Please call my office, have a nice day and goodbye!!!” Or words to that effect!

The thought that my company is thinking of buying us all blackberries just makes me cringe. Yes, I like the internet, and email and the web is the best thing since sliced bread for information. But I don’t need it 24 hours a day. Why do I need to know the minute some unknown person sends me an email offering cheap Viagra, it’s really not something I use!

I did a bit of photography at school (25 years ago) and even though I enjoyed taking the pictures, I didn't enjoy developing. I found it too long and laborious and I got totally put off developing my own when my photography teacher managed to mix up the chemicals so that the two reels of film I took on my last ever school day were lost forever. Basically I am impatient and lazy and I prefer quick results! I waited and waited with buying a digital camera until about 6 years ago when I bought an Olympus point & shoot C-765 UZ which was great to start with until I started realising I was missing a lot of shots because of the time delay.

Anyway to cut a long story short, I bought a DSLR, an Olympus E-520 + 2 kit lens combo about 1½ years ago which I am still happy with. But since then I've now bought an additional 4 lenses and various bits and pieces. I am looking at the new Olympus EPL1 and thinking this would be a great 2nd camera and I am also sitting here wondering when Olympus will bring out a new Pro body. I am also kicking myself that I still haven’t got a decent monitor to view my pictures on, nor have I mastered Lightroom yet, for editing and neither do I have any decent lighting equipment. Yet! The only thing stopping me buying all the stuff I “need” is lack of funds due to my various travels during the last 5 years.

I think I'm becoming a specialised photo gadget freak….I can’t wait to get my hands on the new EPL1, which incidentally was only released today!

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