Tuesday, 26 January 2010


So time to start a blog.....

A blank page is pretty scary! What to write? Aaaaaagh I don't know....

The word BLANK

As an adjective..... a blank piece of paper, a blank check, a blank expression on my face!
As a noun.....a blank (as in piece of metal), fill in the blank

As a verb.....she completely blanked him

As an idiom..... she drew a complete blank!

Blankety blank cheque book and pen. God who remembers that cultish tv show!!!??

I wonder if Terry Wogan is still narrating over the European Song contest? I seem to remember watching it one year with a bunch of danes who were very peeved at the flippant remark made by Mr. Wogan about the Danish entry that year. In fact I think it was the very same year the danes won, with the song Fly on the Wings of Love, by the Olsen brothers. To be honest although the Olsen brothers aren't quite as pretty as the Olsen sisters (Ashley and Mary-Kate) the danish version of the song still remains a favourite at parties in Denmark.

In fact, although I'm british, having lived in Denmark for almost 13 years I still feel the pride of the Danes when that song is played. The Melodi Grand Prix as it is called over here is rather a big deal. That and the Danish National Anthem " Der er et yndigt land" roughly translated "There is a lovely country" is one, if not the best national anthem in the world. It brings a tear to the eye when 30,000 vikings sing this unaccompanied (and more or less in tune) at a football match.

I think I'm becoming viking'ish.....